The Benefits of Having a Routine

As a little girl, I dreamed of a life of freedom. A life where I could do whatever I want, whenever I want. No rules! I wanted to “just live how I please.” I guess this was my way of acting out and rebelling. There was a small moment of my life where | obtained just that. I had a job where | created my own schedule that paid me fairly ok. I slept till my heart was content and then began my day. I quickly learned why this vision that I created for myself was not a great long term plan. My life lacked structure. 

I constantly found myself not having enough time to do all the things that I set out to do (the gym, meal prep, self-care etc…). I was always in shock with how quickly the day went by. I quickly realized that my day lacked routine and structure. I needed to implement a system that was conducive to the lifestyle that I wanted. There was much more to the freedom that I desired than just being able to sleep-in everyday. I wanted more. I needed more. 

I began reading and paying more attention to people who had a lifestyle that I admired. They all had one thing in common. They all lived a routine life. They had morning, mid day and/or evening routines that were in alignment with their goals. So, I set out on my journey again. I placed my goals and vision for myself in writing. I wanted a healthier life, a beautiful body, more money, a healthy relationship and a social life.

I was able to visualize myself living that life and I began creating a routine that enabled me to practice being the woman I was becoming. I created a morning routine that forced me to start my day earlier, but created time to accomplish my goals. I realized that I soon stopped rushing through life and began moving with more grace. I was up at 5A and by 7A, when the rest of the world was waking up, I had already accomplished exercise, meal prepping and other acts of self-care. I had finished working early and had time to think, create and build. I also had more time for my relationships. 

My night time routine consisted of me planning out my next day in writing. Overall, creating a routine life enabled me to manifest and be happier.


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